Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Boring things about things

So, I think I might join a club. This is a big deal, because I've never been very social school-wise since I started college, I guess because I never lived on-campus and all. I mean, I've never even, like, been to a football game (except for 1/4 of one last year but it was cold so I left before halftime). Anyway it's called Psi Chi and before you get any willy-nilly thoughts in your head about sororities or any of that, it's not one, and if you know me you will probably agree that pigs will shit out diamond cheeseburgers before I decide to join a sorority. It's a Psychology honor society that will basically look good on paper and maybe get me some scholarships. Also, unlike a lot of other clubs I have considered, they don't make you do shit like build fences for the whales or any of that. I guess psychologists generally aren't very benevolent people (truth). It's actually got some kind of stringent requirements about GPA and number of hours and stuff, but I just checked and I'm pretty sure I meet them (I'm a genius). Last year I got invited to join some other thing, Psi Gamma Beta or some crap, which was also an honor society, and I joined it and forgot about it, but membership is lifelong so I can still put that bitch on my resume. So I suppose if I do decide to join this thing, the two will look nice together and people will throw money at me for the rest of my life. Right?

I know what you're thinking...Y SO BORING?

Saturday, September 13, 2008