I'm feeling very strange. Do you ever do that thing where you think about what your life would be like if you had done something different in the past? And then you think about the possibility that your life would be better or different if you had done the other thing? And then you tell yourself that's dumb, because it's purely speculation and there's that thing about the grass being grassier on the other side? And then you think yeah, but what if I'm right? And then you just feel really frustrated that you can't create another dimension in which you can live your life the way it would be if you'd done one thing, and then in this dimension you could still live your life as if you'd done this thing, and then you could go back and forth between the dimensions so that you could monitor the quality of both lives and then decide on the one you think is better, or just maybe maintain both dimensions forever so you could essentially live two lives and have the best of both worlds? I do.