Thursday, February 5, 2009

Son of Poseidon

I think it would be best for everyone if they just STFU'd about Michael Phelps taking a couple of bong hits. You know? How ridiculous is this story? Come on, folks, read a book. Yes, smoking weed is unhealthy - just like smoking cigarettes and eating Big Macs. Just like BOTOX and DRINKING COCA COLA. In fact, marijuana is less harmful than cigarettes, no one has ever died from using marijuana, and actually helps sick people feel better. But no - pot is illegal, therefore it's bad. Right? Who told you it was bad? The government. Society. Your parents. So when Michael Phelps chooses to do something with his own body, people who have never met him (and have most likely never used marijuana) come forth in ignorance and condemn him for something that, believe it or not, is not really that bad. It's quite ridiculous. How would you feel if your boss suspended you from your job because someone leaked a picture of you eating a fried Snickers Bar? You'd probably be pretty pissed off - hey! I can eat this lard-covered Snickers Bar if I want to! This is America, and this is my body! I know this Snickers Bar is going to make me fat as hell and cause my heart to implode, but it's tasty! Right? But those same Snickers-devouring, lard-eating, tobacco-smoking, alcohol-consuming people are the first to jump on the "Fuck Michael Phelps" bandwagon. "Boo hoo, Michael Phelps is supposed to be a role model for our precious children!"

That's another thing. Something tells me that Michael Phelps didn't sign up to be a role model for your stupid kid. I doubt that he trained 23 hours a day since he was born so that he could impress your spawn. The media forced him into the "role model" slot because he is an awesome athlete and because that's what the media does with people - stuff them into roles that may or may not even fit them. Yes, Michael Phelps probably has an idea that a lot of kids look up to him, but is that his responsibility? Is he obligated to act in a way that is acceptable to the rest of society just for the sake of some sheep kids who may think he's cool? I don't think so. What if Michael Phelps had been pictured drinking a beer? Maybe some weepy parents would have whined about it for a week or so, but I highly doubt that he would have been suspended for three weeks. It's just absurd nowadays that such a stink can be made over an issue so completely manufactured, a scare tactic precipitated by a government that is too scared and too greedy to let its people know the truth.